Each day we see customers who have some sort of scrap metal item, but really aren’t sure what it is. We’ve invested heavily into on-site analytical equipment to remedy this issue. The Niton XRF Analyzer is a handy tool which points, and shoots, at any type of metallic item and almost instantly identifies the exact chemical make up of that item. It cross references these figures with a database of identifiable materials, and quickly tells you precisely what you’re shooting. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve heard stories of a company selling off a quantity of “steel” to another scrap company, only to find out through us that it was a high value tool steel all along! Knowing exactly what you have is essential in ensuring that you are being paid a fair and honest price for your scrap metals…and our Niton simply cannot be beat in handling this for our customers.

In addition to our typical good service, we always like to do a little something extra for our customers. We regularly have different sorts of raffles, giveaways, promotions and special offers made available to all of our customers. Providing them with the opportunity to earn or win everything from Basic Metals signature gear, to big screen TVs, gift cards, higher scrap metal prices, video game systems, etc. – putting out that little extra something is just our way of showing our customers we care. We’re always trying to think outside of the box, and constantly trying to come up with new, different things to bring to our customers. Join our Newsletter to stay in touch with all of the latest and greatest news around our yards (including price changes), or else just come stop in and see for yourself! Some other great ways to keep up-to-date on what’s going on around our company is by all of our various Social Networking pages, so be sure to check them out as well.

To inquire about how we can help your company, or for any further information, please head over to the contacts page, and get in touch with us today!